Thursday, February 11, 2010

Only The Brazilian Ones

Loud kid having extended conversation about baldness: It's not EVERY female trait that determines whether you go bald or not.

Overheard by: GreaterDavis

"My mind is going... I can feel it"

22-year-old: I'm 22.
Friend: You are???
22-year-old: Don't worry, we're dying slowly... all of us.

Overheard by: GreaterDavis

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

..I hear they do that sometimes.

Eastman1: One time I was just kind of staring into space... and I realized I was staring at someone's butt.
Eastman2: But it could be worse, you could have been staring at someone's boobs.
Unknown: Or at someone's crotch...and it could move...

Overheard by: Dtrain

Why didn't SHE say it?

Eastman student: It looks like a bird pooped everywhere. That's what he said.

Overheard by: Dtrain